

Policy Associate

Why Rachel does this work:
My personal experiences have taught me that the only way to stop cycles of harm is by addressing the root causes of the harm. Offering high quality education and wrap-around support, as THEI does, I see as a radical act of love that has the power to transform someone’s life and break cycles. I believe higher education can tranform the opportunities available to a person, and I hope for a world in which we can all have access to high quality education, especially those who have been historically denied this access. This work is part of making that happen.

Rachel joined team THEI in January 2024. She grew up in Kingsport, TN and recieved her B.A. in Public Policy, with a concentration in Crime, Discrimination, and Poverty Policy from Stanford University. Rachel has worked in policy for the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives on immigration priorities as well as for Californians United for a Responsible Budget, a LA-based non-profit that focuses on prison closure, decarceration policy, non-carceral community investment strategies. Outside of her professional commitments to THEI, Rachel enjoys Latin dancing and eating chuchitos.