Ogburn House

Where Community Support Meets Second Chances, Rebuilding Lives with Purpose.

TPCC One-Pager

What is Ogburn House?

Ogburn House is a trauma-informed reentry residential program nestled within the historic Scarritt Bennett Center in Nashville, TN. Our mission is to prioritize the well-being, growth, and successful reintegration of individuals affected by incarceration.

With Ogburn House, THEI aims to provide a supportive space where residents can pursue their educational goals while receiving essential assistance and resources. Our program offers housing autonomy and reentry services, fostering a sense of belonging and supporting individuals as they rebuild their lives.

Impact on Students and the Community

Challenges Post-Incarceration
  • Among the 5 million formerly incarcerated individuals in the US, they are almost 10 times more likely to be homeless than the general public.
  • The transition from prison to the community presents substantial challenges, especially in finding stable housing.
  • Homelessness rates among those who have been incarcerated are significantly higher than the general public.
  • Formerly incarcerated individuals face severe marginalization and barriers when reintegrating into society, hindering access to essential services and opportunities for rehabilitation.
The Role of Housing
  • Housing is crucial for ending mass incarceration, providing stability necessary for rehabilitation and reducing recidivism.
  • Lack of housing increases the likelihood of non-violent re-offenses, perpetuating a cycle of incarceration and homelessness.
Creating Pathways to Redemption
  • Structural reintegration support and criminal justice reform are crucial for improving outcomes for justice-impacted individuals and communities.
  • Comprehensive reforms that dismantle stigma and offer accessible pathways to redemption are essential for successful reintegration.
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Approximate NATIONAL number of people released from prisons annually. Transitional housing facilities only have capacity for about 60,000.
People who are formerly incarcerated are 10 times more likely to be unhoused than the general population.
Percentage of people who move at least once in the year following their release from incarceration.

How You Can Help: Support Ogburn House

Support the reentry journey by sponsoring Ogburn House. Your donation will directly contribute to creating a supportive housing environment for individuals seeking to rebuild their lives.

Match one of our sponsorship levels to have your name or business featured on our webpage, in THEI's newsletter, and on THEI's social media channels! We also invite communities of faith to show community with Ogburn House residents by sponsoring a monthly dinner. Please consider gathering a group from your place of worship to provide fellowship and dinner on-site for one evening.
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Sponsor a Meal

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Brandon, May 2019 Graduate
“Education was the game changer that I needed.”
— Edward