THEI Hosts Holiday Card Party for Students Behind the Wall
THEI hosted a holiday card party to address holiday cards for our students behind the wall. Since the holidays can be especially difficult for our students, we come together and invite our community to join us in addressing cards for students. As the pictures will attest, there was great food, great fellowship, and lots of holiday cards!
Staff, alumni & friends of THEI signing cards
There's some serious card writing going on!
It was obviously very funny.
Bernard Mimms and Jeremy White
Friends of THEI enjoying the holiday spread
Friends of THEI
Just a few of the cards to sent to THEI students
Boy did we eat...
...and then we ate some more
THEI staff and alumni
Ka-Rhonda Porter, Director of Academic Programs & Laura Ferguson Mimms, THEI Executive Director
Laura Ferguson Mimms & Laramie Riggs, Academic Coordinator